Join page banner with instructor picture with Natural Nibbles, The Health Consulate and Pillars & Fillers logos.


Do any of these challenges ring a bell?

Red box explaining chronic health struggles
Purple box explaining interest of a holistic approach
Blue box explaining finding the right Christian support group
banner with text reminding you are not alone on your health journey


Two happy female students posing after cooking their meal with yellow aprons on


Learning health everyday

The Scroll Academy is a training community built on Biblical principles with a focus on helping you learn, implement, and share natural healing modalities.


And it’s packed with in-depth, practical training and resources on all aspects of building your personal physical as well as spiritual health. In addition, you will have the community support you need to ensure your health goals reach its full potential.


red banner with the message of hope and health for allWe were fed up with hearing stories about good people determined to start their health journey, just like you, being let down in their pursuit of optimal health, thanks to:

  • Sleazy Internet Health Gurus who promise the world but deliver very little once they have their hands on your cash.
  • Overly technical tutorials that bore you to death with the mind-numbing mechanics of building a healthy life.
  • Over-priced courses that make big claims about helping you be successful – just as long as you already have a support system in place.
thankfully stress on your health is behind you text banner

The Scroll Academy will help YOU to:

Red description box with heart in hand icon in front of cloud background representing becoming a community health ambassador with The Scroll Academy
Purple description box with student symbols on a chalkboard icon in front of cloud background representing building health knowledge with The Scroll Academy
Blue description box with clipboard and magnifying lens in front of cloud background icon representing achieving health goals with The Scroll Academy


banner with text asking what makes The Scroll Academy different

Banner with text asking what topics are covered at The Scroll AcademyThe three branches of The Scroll Academy - Natural Nibbles Cooking School, The Health Consulate and Pillars and Fillers Bible Study.

Our curriculum is designed to help you achieve your personal health goals and to equip you with the tools to embark as a health ambassador!

Blue Blue
Red Red
Purple Purple

The word A visual depiction of our virtual content library of an opened book with a roofCommunity Forum and Archived Library in white font and a yellow shadow effectYou will have full access to the community forum
and archived library recordings to deepen your learning paths.


Frequently asked questions banner in white font with blue shadowing in blue brackets

So, you have questions? Let us try to answer those for you…


I’m dealing with substantial health issues, is The Scroll Academy right for me?

We are a Christian-based, online health training community. We believe, no matter how complicated your health issues are, that with Christ firstly and the support of The Scroll Academy, you will get all the help we can offer!

period in white font with yellow shadowing

I want to be a community health advocate. How soon can I apply what I learn?

We have structured the community with a practical mindset. You can begin applying and sharing what you learn right away!

period in white font with yellow shadowing

Is all of the content available straight away or is it time-released (drip fed)?

You get access to everything already inside The Scroll Academy straight away! No waiting for content to be released to you, just jump in and start making use of the training immediately. We regularly update and add new material too – so your content library will continue growing.

period in white font with yellow shadowing

Will I get one-on-one help and support for my health condition?

Not only can you ask questions and get advice, support and feedback any time from within our community; but we also run monthly live Q&A sessions, where you can ask your questions.

period in white font with yellow shadowing

Why should I become a member today instead of waiting?

It’s time for you to take action. Simple as that. If you really want to grow in your physical and spiritual journey, then you need somewhere to get support, community, and most of all…accountability! The Scroll Academy is that place! If you really want to make a difference, the time is now!

period in white font with yellow shadowing

What happens if I decide to cancel my membership?

Obviously we’d love it if all of our members stuck around forever, but we understand the complexities of life. So, if you decide to cancel, you’ll be able to do so with just 2 clicks of a mouse.

period in white font with yellow shadowing

Can I upgrade to an annual membership later?

You sure can! You can upgrade to annual membership any time with a couple of clicks from your account page. Our system will automatically take into account the time left on your current subscription, so you’ll never be double charged.

period in white font with yellow shadowing